Counseling Services
Welcome to Student Counseling Services
You can reach our office by calling 814-362-5272 to schedule an initial consultation with one of our therapists. Our regular office hours are typically Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 5 pm, with adjusted hours for virtual and face-to-face sessions when possible.
If you are currently experiencing an emergency and are concerned for your safety or the safety of another student, the following resources are available 24/7:
- Contact Campus Police at 814-368-3211 from any phone or 10333 from a campus phone
- Call Crisis Intervention at The Guidance Center at 814-362-4623 or 1-800-459-6568
- Go to the emergency room of Bradford Regional Medical Center or nearest hospital
- Call the University of Pittsburgh University Counseling Center (Oakland) crisis support line at 412-648-7930
- Reach out to the Crisis Text Line – text HELP to 741.741
- Reach out to the National Suicide Prevention and Crisis Lifeline – call 988
Connecting to Help
Walk-in appointments are available for students who want to drop in and meet with a Therapist. These sessions are available as open time permits and all efforts will be made to meet with students. For non-crisis drop ins, appointments can be scheduled for available open times. Virtual sessions can be scheduled with the Therapist as well.
Counseling Services offers a range of services to help you get support you’re seeking, feel less alone, cope more effectively, heal emotional wounds, improve relationships, engage in your academics and college life, and feel more like yourself. Most students take advantage of a combination of these resources, and a Therapist is happy to help you figure out the plan that feels right to you.
University Counseling Center in Oakland offers virtual counseling sessions Monday through Friday from 9 am - 4 pm. To make an appointment: Call 412-648-7930
Virtual workshops on a variety of topics are offered by staff at the Pitt-Oakland University Counseling Services and open to all students in the University of Pittsburgh system. These workshops focus on such topics as: happiness, mindfulness, self compassion, coping skills, stress, anxiety, meaning, and finances.
TAO is a private online library of engaging, interactive programs to learn life skills and to help you bounce back from disappointments or stumbling blocks in life. As you watch videos and engage with our interactive components, you’ll gain the knowledge, self-awareness, and skills you need to achieve your goals. You can complete TAO at your own pace, whether that’s just one session a day, or perhaps two whole modules. It’s entirely up to you!
Individual mental health care with a PA licensed therapist from Pitt-Bradford for HIPPA compliant telehealth. Please call Counseling Services at 814-362-5272 to arrange a consultation.
Student Counseling Services can provide referrals to The Guidance Center, the community mental health agency. Contact our office for a meeting to discuss a referral and we will make the referral for you. We also facilitate coordination with sexual assault resources available through the Victim’s Resource Center at the Bradford YWCA.
Counseling Services does not provide disability accommodations or recommendations for accommodations. Please visit the Office of Disability Resources for more information about securing academic or residential accommodations.