Faculty Senate
Senate President 2024-26

Senate Vice President 2024-26

Director and Associate Professor of Environmental Science
Division of Physical and Computational Sciences
Email: odf1@pitt.edu
Phone: 814-362-5106
Location: 103E Fisher Hall
Senate Secretary 2024-26

About Faculty Senate
As a full-time faculty member, you are automatically included in the Faculty Senate.
The Faculty Senate at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford is an official body for shared governance. Through its various committees, it considers and makes recommendations concerning educational policies, strategic initiatives, computing plans, faculty welfare and many other issues that affect the faculty of Pitt-Bradford.
The Faculty Senate is governed by the Faculty Senate Council, which maintains communication with the administrative officers of Pitt-Bradford, the Staff Association, and the Student Government.
Faculty Senate Standing Committees
Faculty Representatives on University Committees
University Planning & Budget Committee (UPBC) – Dr. Jean Truman
University Senate Council – Dr. Mark Kelly
Provost’s Area Council on Undergraduate Programs (PACUP) - Dr. Don Ulin
University Faculty Assembly – Dr. Julia Morgan
University-wide General Education Committee - Dr. Stephen Robar
Senate Constitution and By-Laws
Faculty Senate President Duties
Policies and Procedures for Faculty Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure