Ways to Give

Help us help students
Donations of all sizes ensure that Pitt-Bradford is able to help deserving students.
One of Pitt-Bradford’s top priorities is providing financial support to help students in their journey to receive a college education. Scholarships help serve the needs of students and their families.
Endowed Scholarship Funds allow donors to establish named scholarships that will exist in perpetuity and provide permanent support for students within a particular area or for a specific purpose. Minimum endowment levels guarantee that sufficient income will be available to fulfill the donor’s specific intentions. Please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 814-362-5091 for more information about establishing an endowed scholarship fund.
Honorary and memorial gift programs are wonderful ways for you to honor friends or loved ones.
Honorary gifts - allow you to acknowledge a special birthday, wedding, anniversary, or other occasion or accomplishment.
Memorial gifts - are a meaningful way to mark the passing of a loved one or close friend.
Loved ones may give to an established fund, plant a tree, sponsor benches, dedicate seats in the Bromeley Family Theater or remember their loved ones through the Harriett B. Wick Chapel.
For more information on these tribute options, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 814-362-5091.
In addition to the letter of thanks we send to donors, we are also happy to send notifications when a gift has been made in honor or remembrance of friends and loved ones.
Planned giving options allow you to amplify the impact of your generosity, to potentially create lifetime income streams and reduce your taxes.
Popular Ways to Give
Bequests and Beneficiaries
Naming the university in your will, living trust, or as a beneficiary of your retirement plan allows you to help Pitt-Bradford without impacting your income today. As you consider making a bequest, the following language may be useful to you and your attorney:
I give to the Bradford Educational Foundation….(legal name of foundation) (the sum of $_____) or (shares of stock, specific real estate, or other property) to be used by the Bradford Educational Foundation….(legal name incorporated in PA) to support the Foundation’s Endowment.
Charitable Gift Annuity
A charitable gift annuity is a contract between you and the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. You transfer cash or property to Pitt-Bradford in exchange for a partial tax deduction and a lifetime steam of annual income from the university. The principal passes to Pitt-Bradford when the contract ends.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A charitable remainder trust allows you to reduce your taxable income by contributing cash, securities, or other appreciated property into a trust. The trust makes either fixed annual payments to you or to your beneficiaries for a specified period of time. Once the time expires and the trust is terminated, the remainder of the trust passes to Pitt-Bradford.
Charitable Lead Trust
A charitable lead trust allows you to transfer assets to others at a significantly reduced tax liability. By contributing securities or other appreciating assets to a charitable lead trust, the trust makes annual payments to Pitt-Bradford for a period of time. When the specified period of time expires, the remaining principal is paid to you or your beneficiaries.
Thinking about a planned gift? For more information on these options please contact the Office of Office of Philanthropic and Alumni Engagement.
Many employers will match your gift to Pitt-Bradford, which will increase your total contribution to the university. While each company has its own procedure, typically the process includes these easy steps:
- You request a matching gift form from you company's HR office.
- You complete the form and send it to Pitt-Bradford with your gift.
- Pitt Bradford verifies the gift information and returns it to your employer.
- Your employer issues a matching gift contribution to Pitt-Bradford
It's that easy! For more information, contact the Office of Philanthropic and Alumni Engagement.
Securities may be electronically transferred to Pitt-Bradford via our Depository Trust Company (DTC). Please contact the Office of Philanthropic and Alumni Engagement for specific instructions.