View, Accept, Decline or Reduce Financial Aid
As a student, you have the right to accept, reduce or decline aid you are offered.
• Grants and scholarships are automatically accepted for you because grants do not require repayment.
• Loans will NOT be disbursed until the loans are accepted and a Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling have been completed.
How to View, Accept, Decline, or Reduce Financial Aid
Log into Your MyPitt Account
You can sign in with your Pitt username and password. From there, you will select the PeopleSoft Student Center.
Access the HighPoint Dashboard
In Peoplesoft, click on the Main Menu and go to HighPoint, then Campus Experience. Under Campus Experience, click on Dashboard.
Accept/Decline/Reduce Offers
On the HighPoint Dashboard, you will see a variety of tabs. Under the Financials section, select Accept/Decline offers. You will see a screen that shows the financial aid award offer. Keep in mind that the screen shows the awards that are offered for the academic year and for each award, you will want to select an action.
Confirm Your Aid
You know that your selections have been made official when you see the submit confirmation screen. This confirms that your awards have been successfully submitted.
View Financial Aid
Another feature of HighPoint is that you can also view your financial aid. To do this, you will want to go to your HighPoint Dashboard and under Financials and select View Financial Aid. This will allow you to view all awards for a given aid year. Please note that aid is split in half between fall and spring semesters.
View To Do Items
HighPoint’s dashboard also gives you the ability to view any To Do Items that the Financial Aid Office may need. You can select this item and a description of what is needed and instructions will be provided for you.
Accepting a Loan in Full
You will want to select the accept option and confirm that the full amount is in the accepted amount location. If you are accepting an award, you can reduce the amount, however the amount will be split evenly between the fall and spring semesters if it were offered as a full year award.
Reducing a Loan
You will want to first accept it, then type in the reduced amount in the accepted amount location. To decline a loan, simply select the decline action option to the right. For federal work study, you can accept or decline a federal work study offer.